Friends raising funds for Tanner and Amber Lawton

DSCN4019It’s clean fun at a dunk tank at the Greene County Fair, with $1 a pitch to dunk ducky folks who are raising money to help Tanner and Amber Lawton. Pictured is Tim Tucker making sport of harassing the folks who would knock the seat out from under him to plunge him in the water.

The Lawton’s son Tate was been in a pediatric intensive care unit since March 5. He has had one open heart surgery and is waiting for a second to correct a congenital heart defect that comes as part of a Down Syndrome package. A committee of friends is raising money to help them with medical/travel expenses.

The dunk tank is a prelude to a 4-person best ball golf tournament slated for Sunday, Aug. 3, at The Hill west of Grand Junction. The shotgun start for the 9-hole tournament will be at 10 am. A $125 team entry fee includes green fee, cart, lunch, and a beverage. Call Derek Kennedy at 515-370-0401 for info.

The day will continue with a silent auction and meal from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds. There will be a live auction at 6:30.

Persons who would like to donate items for the auction can contact Kristy Stoner at 515-370-1975, Billie Jo Hoskins at 515-370-5641, or Tiffany Lawton at 515-370-3071. Cash donations can be taken to any office of Peoples Trust & Savings Bank.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a contributor.

Tate is the grandson of Tom and Cae Lawton of Jefferson and Les and Diane Bacon of Humboldt.

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